OBJECTIVE OF DECEPTION: The objective of the game is to accurately solve the murder, not only by picking the correct player as the murderer but, also correctly guessing which clue was left behind and the means of which the murder used to kill their victim.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4 – 12 Players

MATERIALS: 12 black role cards, 200 red clue cards, 90 blue means cards, 32 scene tiles with 6 event tiles included, 11 badge tokens, and 6 bullet markers made of wood. 

TYPE OF GAME: Murder mystery/Hidden roles game

AUDIENCE: For players 14 years and older


The Game Box

Deception in Hong Kong is a murder mystery game where one of the players is the murderer. Players will each have one secret roll from an investigator, witness, accomplice, or the murderer. Depending on what role you get changes your win condition.

If you are the investigator or the witness, you want to catch the murder before the end of the game. You don’t only have to guess which player the murderer is but also what they used as a murder weapon and what they left behind at the scene. There’s also the addition for the witness you have to try not to get killed by the murder and accomplice at the end of the game, while also trying to inconspicuously draw attention toward the murderer.

If you are playing the murderer or the accomplice, you want the game to end without you being properly prosecuted. If the murder does get caught you have one last chance to win if there is a witness in the game, if you kill the witness then the murderer and accomplice go free. If you are playing the accomplice, you want to draw attention away from the murder any way you can.


Forensic Scientist (1): The forensic scientist is the player that will lead the other players through the game and give out clues to catch the murder. The forensic scientist wins with the investigators but must be an unbiased character. They know who everyone else is and the means and clue for the murder, but the forensic scientist is not permitted to hint at or give away the answer to the investigator with any gesture, verbal clue, or eyes.  

Murderer (1): The murder is the character that all other players are trying to catch. You will pick your means of murder and clue from the options in front of you and try to steer player away from yourself. You may do this in any way, just remember even if people claim you are the murder you don’t lose until they guess both of your pieces of key evidence together.

Investigator (8): The investigators win if at least one of them can correctly guess the means of murder and the evidence left behind. They can do this by using the clues given by the forensic scientist, but they must keep in mind the murder and the accomplice are within their ranks and will try to steer them in the wrong direction. 

All investigators will only get one chance to accuse someone.

Accomplice (1): The accomplice wins if the murderer is not convicted by the end of the game, or if the murderer correctly kills the witness. The accomplice is trying to lead the investigators away from the murder at all costs.

Witness (1): The witness wins if they or the investigators correctly identify the murder and the evidence and means that prove their guilt. The witness knows which players are playing the murderer and accomplice are but not which role they have. The witness will try to lead the investigators towards these two subtly because if they are caught and killed at the end of the game the murder goes free.


The set up for Deception is done in three parts. There is the scene set up, the roles, and then badge tokens. 


To setup the scene all event scene tile (which have blue text and paragraph information on them) should be returned to the box. These are used for a variant which can be played with in later rounds. 

The second step is to shuffle the red clue cards and the blue means cards. Each player should be passed four of each of these stacks. Then players will place them face up in from of them with the card text facing out towards other players. 

Players should take a moment to look at everyone’s means and clue cards, bit any art on the cards is for reference and only the text should influence investigators thought and opinions.


The next stage of set up involves the role cards. The number of investigators can change depending on the number of players.

For 5 to four player games, you will have one forensic scientist, one murderer and 2 to 3 investigators. For 6 to 12 player games, you will have one forensic scientist, one murderer, an optional Accomplice, and optional witness, and the rest will be investigators. It should be noted you can only play the witness if there is an accomplice, but the accomplice can be played without the witness. 오공슬롯

Once the correct type and number of role cards have been acquired, they are shuffled and passed out randomly (in the first few games it is recommended to pick the forensic scientist) to each player. One the cards are dealt, the forensic scientist will reveal themselves, all other players will keep their roles secret. 

The forensic scientist will then discard their clue and means cards and take the evidence tiles and shuffle them leaving the green and purple ones off to the side.  The remaining tiles will be face down in a pile next to the forensic scientist. They will also get the rule book to read from the script provided. 

Badge Tokens

After everything else is set up the only remaining task is to pass out badge tokens. Everyone except the forensic scientist gets a badge token, and they

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