OBJECTIVE OF A FEW ACRES OF SNOW: The objective of A Few Acres of Snow is to build the best empire through deck-building mechanics to take the enemy capital or earn the most victory points



  • 33 discs (12 red, 12 blue, 9 black)
  • 36 cubes (18 red, 18 blue)
  • 4 cylindrical siege markers (1 red, 1 blue, 2 black)
  • 109 cards
  • 30 pieces (15 silver, 15 gold)
  • 2 game aids

TYPE OF GAME: Strategical tug of war deckbuilding



A Few Acres of Snow places players at the head of the two most powerful empires of the 18th century in the context of the war between them for the control of the east coast of Canada. In this asymmetrical deck-building game, each player will have to exploit the advantages of his empire and try to compensate for its weaknesses, to win either by a brilliant military coup or a long war of attrition. And all this… for A Few Acres of Snow.


Each player:

  • takes the cubes (villages) and discs (cities) as well as the siege marker (cylinder) of its colour, then places the cubes and discs of that colour on the coloured location of the board (locations controlled from the beginning of the game)
  • takes its initial draw pile (location and empire dark coloured cards), places it on its Draw Deck space on the board, and draws 5 cards
  • places its location cards (light colour) face up on its Available Location Cards space
  • places its empire cards (light colour) face up on its Available Empire Cards space

Place close to the game board:

  • the 12 fortification discs (black discs)
  • the coins (French starts with 5, English with 12)
  • the 9 neutral empire cards (green cards) sorted by type, face up

Place the 2 siege markers (black cylinders) on the 0 square of the two siege tracks.

Game setup


The British player always starts the game. 오공슬롯

Course of a game round

  1. Siege Check: check to see if one of the siege attacks is won.
  2. Actions: do 2 actions (only one in the first round).
  3. Hand: complete your 5-card hand (Shuffle the discard pile as soon as it is used up).

List of Actions

The actions are divided into 5 types.

  • Expansion actions
  • Financial actions
  • Offensive actions
  • Empire Management actions
  • Other actions

Here are the different symbols that can be found on the cards:

As well as the two types of cards in the game:

The Location cards (see the card on the left in the example above) represent the locations you control, and are starting points from which you can colonize other locations. The Quebec location card provides a lot of information:

  • to the right of the Boat symbol: the locations you can reach from this location via rivers or lakes.
  • to the right of the Ship symbol: the locations you can reach from this location via the sea.

1. Expansion Actions

1.1. Colonizing an unoccupied location

Requirements: card of a controlled location linked to the location to be colonized + card with the required transport symbol (+ card with the settler symbol if necessary).


  • discard the required cards
  • place a cube on the colonized location
  • place the location card on your discard pile

The British player wishes to colonize Deerfield. To do so, he must:

  1.  play a starting point card (New Haven, connected to Deerfield by a river)
  2.  play a means of transportation card, in this case with the boat symbol (St. Mary’s)
  3.  play a card with the settlers symbol because the Deerfield square has this symbol (Philadelphia).

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