OBJECTIVE OF DOSCIENTOS: The objective of Doscientos is to reach 200 points before your opponents.


MATERIALS: One double 6 set of dominoes, a way to keep score, and a flat surface.

TYPE OF GAME: Connecting Domino Game



Doscientos is a connecting domino game for 4 players. The goal of the game is to reach 200 or more points to win.  슬롯사이트

Some versions of the play have the target score set at 100 points.

The game uses fixed partnerships. Partners should sit across from each other.


A dealer is chosen randomly and shuffled the tiles. Each player is dealt 7 dominoes each. There should be no remaining dominoes.


For the first round of the game, the player with the double 6 starts the layout. After the first round, the first player passes to the right. This player may start the layout with whichever tile they wish. Turn order is counterclockwise. The only exception to this is if the previous round ends in a blocked game. (see below for more details)

On a player’s turn, they will add a tile to the layout if they can. If they cannot legally add a tile, they will pass their turn. To add a tile to the layout you must connect the end of one tile to the other by matching the numbers on the ends touching. The only exception is a double, where both numbers must match, and it is added to the layout at a 90-degree angle.

The game is played until a player manages to play all tiles from their hand or until all 4 players pass their turn, unable to play to the layout.

If a player manages to empty their hand their team wins the round. If the game ends with a blocked layout, then each team will count the number of pips on tiles they have remaining in hand. The team with the lower pip count is the winning team. If there is a tie for how many pips each team has remaining. Then the round ends in a tie.

The next player to start will be the player with the lower pip count of the winning team. If there is a tie the player holding the double 6 starts the next round.

Many variations revolve around blocked games. For ties, some play that the first to play wins, and the player with the lower pip count starts the next round. Another variation is the opposite, where the last to play wins the tie and the player with the player who blocked the game starts the next round. 

Another version states that in any game that ends in a block the last player to play to the layout or the player to their right wins, whichever has fewer pips.


After the winner of the round has been determined scoring can begin. The winning team will score a number of points equal to all of the pips remaining in all player’s hands.

If the round ended in a tie, then there is no score for the round. This is unless players are using a variation that declares a tie winner, as described above.

After scoring is complete a new round is started. The tiles are collected and redealt, and a new layout is made as described under Gameplay.

A variation to scoring is that the first time a player plays to the layout and the next player passes, their team scores 20 points. Following this, if another player plays and the next player passes their team scores 10 points.


The game ends when a team reaches or exceeds 200 points. This team wins the game.

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