OBJECTIVE OF ABOMINATION: THE HEIR OF FRANKENSTEIN: The objective of Abomination is to be the first player to bring your creation to life or have the most victory points at the end of twelve rounds.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players
MATERIALS: 1 Gameboard, 1 Event Board, 4 Lab Board, 8 Dice, 114 Playing Cards, 1 Captain Piece, 1 Starter Player Piece, 16 Scientist Pieces, 12 Assistant Pieces, 42 Francs, 4 Ice Tokens, 16 Leyden Tokens, 170 Material Cubes, 30 Body Part Tokens, 4 Score Markers, 6 Objective Markers, 1 Bribe and Bump Track, 4 Event Markers, 4 Reference Cards, 12 Police Pieces, 24 Alive Pieces, and 12 Connector Sets
TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Board Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 13 and Up
Abomination takes place 20 years after Frankenstein took place. Your goal is to continue Victor Frankenstein’s work, alongside the other scientists. The players will gather raw materials from the cemetery and the morgue throughout the city, conduct horrible experiments, and assemble a new form of life. Can you piece your monster together before any of the other players? 오공슬롯
First orient the boards by placing the Paris card in the middle of the table with the event board placed above it. The public square cadaver card is placed to the side. All the remaining cadaver cards are sorted into four decks and shuffled separately. Each one of the decks is placed in its location on the board. The hospital deck will contain the number of cards equal to the number of players.
The scoundrel deck is shuffled and put near the docks to the right of the board. Three cards are dealt to the slots found above the docks. The research deck is shuffled and placed near the academy to the right of the board. Two cards are dealt to the slots found above the academy. The humanity deck is shuffled and placed beside the saint-roch, with two cards dealt above it.
Collect six event cards and four encounter cards to shuffle together, forming the event deck. Two more event cards are then added to the top of the deck. The captain game piece is placed at the beginning of the story track. Four of the six bonus markers are chosen and placed on the Paris board, facing up.
Sort the police markers, monster parts, dice, materials, francs, alive markers, damage markers, ice blocks, and jars into their own supply, ensuring that all players have access. Each player is given a character card, a lab board, an anatomy card, francs (which should be the same as the number of players), 4 scientist game pieces, 3 assistants, a score keeper, a reference card, and a matching game board.
All players should set their dials found in the labs to zero for Humanity and one for Expertise. Everyone sets a scientist and two assistants to their spot on their character card. All score markers should be placed at the beginning of the score track. The first player is determined, and the game is ready to begin.
The game is played over numerous rounds, each consisting of four chronological phases.
Event Phase
The first player will draw a card from the event deck and determine which side matches the round. The player will then put it into play. Some events occur immediately, whereas others take time.
City Phase
Beginning with the first player and continuing clockwise around the group, each player will place their meeple or pass. They must resolve the effect of the space that they chose. Some spaces only allow scientists, and others also have restrictions.
If there is another meeple already on a space, a player must bump it before they can land there. Move it to the first place on the bump track and pay the cost to the player who owned that meeple. If the bump track is full, no meeples can be bumped.
Lab Phase
Each player will build a monster, throw the switch, and preserve materials during this phase. Once the player has chosen the monster part, and consulted the anatomy cared, they may continue. The player must meet an expertise level requirement, discard materials that are specified, add the part token, and gain points!
If the player has at least one monster part that has been completed, they may choose to throw the switch. They must flip the necessary number of Leyden jars, roll the dice for the jars they flipped, and resolve all shocks. The shocks are resolved by placing the same number of shock markers on the table.
They may then preserve materials by moving the pieces from the decomposition track to the preservation store. Players are only allowed to have up to nine materials in their preservation space at once.
Reset Phase
This phase begins with decomposition. Players without an ice block will remove all materials that are stage four decomposition. If they have an ice block, it must be flipped to half frozen.
They must then replenish all cards at the Saint-Roch, Academy, Docks, and Hospitals. All cards that are in the Public square are discarded. All meeples are returned to the players’ character cards. The captain moves one space along the story track. A new round is ready to begin.
The game can come to an end two different ways. If the Captain game piece reaches the final space of the story, then the game comes to an end. If a player brings their monster to life, which includes all six body parts, then the game comes to an end. The player with the most points wins the game.
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