OBJECTIVE OF A FEAST FOR ODIN: The objective of A Feast for Odin is to be the player with the most points at the end of the game.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 to 4 Players
MATERIALS: An almanac, An Appendix, 12 bags, 7 Penalty pieces, 1 Tracking Cube, 1 Moose, 48 Viking Pieces, 32 Ore Pieces, 24 Stone Pieces, 32Wood Pieces, Money, 32 Ship Pieces, 1 Overview Tile, 346 Goods Pieces, 47 Weapon Cards, 190 Occupations, 2 Extensions for the gameboard, 15 Specialty Tiles, 1 Supply Board, 1 small supply board, 4 Home boards, 1 Action Board, 2 goods boxes, and 2 dice
TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Board Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 12 and Up
A Feast for Odin is a story that has taken the form of a board game. The story of the Vikings is played out right in front of the players, as they themselves play the roles of the Vikings. The players become explorers, founders of civilizations, and conquerors. The player with the most possessions that bear the greatest value will be declared the winner. 카지노슬롯
Begin setup by putting the action board in the center of the playing area. If you are playing a four-player game, then add the two extensions to the bottom of the board. Place the goods on the table best to one another, so that all of the players are able to easily access them. The supply boards for the specialty tiles are places beside the boxes for the goods.
The special tiles are placed on the supply board that is oval shaped. The ships are then sorted by type and placed in separate piles on the supply board. Sort the occupation cards by the color of their backs, separating them into two decks.
Each player will then draw a starting card from the light stack of occupation cards. The players will then collect a bow and arrow, a snare, a spear, and a mead tile. Place the rest of the weapons in a stack on the table, face down. Each player will then get a home board, choosing the side according to the number of rounds that they want to play.
Shuffle the mountain strips and then reveal two of them. The other six cards will form a draw pile. The rest of the goods are sorted and placed in their own stacks, ready to be drawn. The four exploration boards are placed in the following order: Shetland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland.
The remaining tiles should be placed in their own stacks. The game is then ready to begin.
The first player is randomly determined. The game is played over six rounds, each consisting of twelve phases.
Phase 1
During phase one, collect the Viking that is to the left of the table. Place them with the other Vikings on the thing square. During each round, a new Viking is received.
Phase 2
Found below the round number, is the indication of what will be earned during that harvest. Collect those.
Phase 3
Turn the exploration boards if they need them. Below the harvest notes, the board indicates when the exploration boards need to be turned. Each time an exploration board is turned, place two silver pieces on the ones that are not getting turned.
Phase 4
Players will draw a weapon card and place it in their supply.
Phase 5
Beginning with the first player and continuing clockwise around the group, each player will place a number of Vikings on a space of the action board that is not occupied. Continue going around the group until everyone has either passed or placed their Vikings. Action spaces must be used immediately after they have been occupied.
This phase ends when all Vikings have been placed. Some players may run out earlier than others, and if a player has no Vikings, they must pass. When all players have passed, the next phase can begin.
Phase 6
The player who lasts placed a Viking will become the first player for the next action phase.
Phase 7
The uncovered value found on the income diagonal determines how much silver each player receives during this phase.
Phase 8
Animals breed during this phase. If a player has two livestock that are the same, and neither of them are pregnant, they may flip a card, indicating that one is now pregnant. If there are pregnant animals when this phase begins, the player may flip them and collect one animal that matches. Only one animal of a type can become pregnant each round.
Phase 9
Players will place food tiles from their supply, or a silver coin, on each space on the table that is empty. Orange tiles must be placed apart, they cannot touch. Red tiles cannot touch one another. Silver coins are allowed to be placed next to one another. One tile of each type can be placed horizontally to take up more space.
Phase 10
Players collect bonuses. If a goods space is left uncovered but the eight spaces that surround it have been covered, then that good is collected as a bonus.
Phase 11
Mountain strips allow for more building resources to be collected. Remove the left resource closest to the arrow and return it to supply. If a mountain is empty, a new mountain strip may be placed on it. Add the goods that are found on it.
Phase 12
Players will return all of their Vikings to their Think Square. The next round may begin.
The game comes to an end after the Feast phase of the last round. No bonuses are received during the last round. Points are then scored using the scoring pad. The player with the most points, wins the game.
Earning Points
Ships: The whaling boards are worth three points each, the knars are worth five points each, and the longships are worth eight points each.
Emigrations: Each one of the knar that is used for emigration earns eighteen points, and each longship used for emigration earns twenty-one points.
Explorations: The value of each exploration is found in the top right corner.
Homes: Sheds earn eight points, houses made of stone earn ten points, and long houses earn seventeen points.
Livestock: Sheep are worth two points each, three points if they are pregnant. Cows are worth three points each, four points if they are pregnant.
Jobs: Occupation cards that are in play are tallied, adding up the values of each card.
Silver: The total silver in the supply adds points. Silver found on the boards is not worth anything.
Income: Note the final income in the correct category. Do not pay out in the final round.
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